Download the "HeroLabs DnD Tutorial V### - KeepNotePortable" that has the highest number. Unzip the file - it should make a folder called "KeepNotePortable". If it doesn't, check inside the folder it created. If you already have a "KeepNotePortable" folder with a previous version of the tutorial in it, you can either delete the previous version and replace it with the new one, or just copy the new folder over the old one (replacing changes). Inside the folder is an exe named "KeepNotePortable.exe" which, when opened, should load the "HeroLab DnD 4e Tutorials". If it doesn't, you can find it in the "KeepNotePortable>Data>Notebooks" folder path. If you (rightly) have grave concerns about running an executable file you found on a sketchy website posted by someone you don't know, you can either go to the people who make the program ( or you can get it from PortableApps ( The normal version is installed, the portable version is, as the name implies, portable and can be stuck on a flash drive or a sync folder and you can use it anywhere. That is the one I went with. In order to use a downloaded version (or run it on Linux or Mac, both possible from the keepnote site), you will need to set it up and then copy the note files from the KeepNotePortable>Data>Notebooks folder to the equivalent location you installed or a different static location that you can browse to. Either one should work, and I'm not the boss of you.